Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sign the petition please!

This is the lead petition drive for a real solution, along the lines suggested by Paul Krugman. The Obama administration and Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner are going down the wrong path for America and must be stopped.

Go to the petition at and then join the local protest movement in April at

The people's plan:

NATIONALIZE: Insolvent banks that are too big to fail must incur a temporary FDIC intervention - no more blank check taxpayer handouts. (see Paul Krugman on nationalization)

REORGANIZE: Current CEOs and board members must be removed and bonuses wiped out. The financial elite must share in the cost of what they have caused. (see Simon Johnson on reorganizing)

DECENTRALIZE: Banks must be broken up and sold back to the private market with new antitrust rules in place - new banks, managed by new people. Any bank that's "too big to fail" means that it's too big for a free market to function. (see Mike Lux on decentralization)

"You are the ones perceived — understood in a visceral and even transcendent way — as the committers of what is becoming class economic rape. And heed this one word before these people grow weary of forgiving you, and instead decide to bring the “good life” — which you have built on their backs — crashing down on top of your heads: Enough!" (full transcript)

I don't know about you, but I'm way past weary - its time for the pitchforks!

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